A fast growing spreading shrub for hot condition. Deep green foliage and bright reddish/pink flowers with white centres
Likes full sun and well drained soil. 1.2m x 1.2 metre
The flowers are rich in nectar and will attract nectar loving birds. A hardy and adaptable plant tolerant of extended periods of hot and dry conditions, full sun and light shade, and frosty conditions. Makes an excellent subject for large and small-garden plantings, borders and landscaping.
5cm pot
Likes full sun and well drained soil. 1.2m x 1.2 metre
The flowers are rich in nectar and will attract nectar loving birds. A hardy and adaptable plant tolerant of extended periods of hot and dry conditions, full sun and light shade, and frosty conditions. Makes an excellent subject for large and small-garden plantings, borders and landscaping.
5cm pot